Hi, I’m Lisa Wright

I feel passionate about helping women to gain a greater awareness of the potential impact of perimenopause/ menopause on their bodies, minds, relationships and careers. Menopause isn't just something that happens to "middle-aged or older" women as medically induced or premature menopause can impact at any age. Women can never predict which of the many menopause symptoms may affect them, or when they may occur, so early preparation helps them take control.

As women represent 51% of the UK population, as well as 46% of all UK employees, it is imperative that organisations, senior leaders, managers, and male and female employees, become menopause aware and that we see greater support offered within businesses, families and wider society.

To help increase awareness I provide organisations with corporate training and education on all aspects of menopause.

How it began

Before establishing Menopause the Wright Way I was the Managing Director of a data analysis company for 20 years, employing multi-generational and multi-cultural team members in both the UK and South East Asia.

Retiring from the corporate world in 2019, I followed my passion for sport, nutrition, health, and wellbeing by completing a Masters’ degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science and qualifying as a British Triathlon Coach.

My interest in menopause was triggered by my dissertation research project, looking at the impact of vitamin D on peri/menopausal symptoms experienced by female endurance athletes. This coincided with my own perimenopause experience and the impact on my training, and general well-being.

This led to my participation in further menopause-specific training with the International Menopause Society and Newson Health Menopause Society and inspired me to start Menopause the Wright Way.

How I work

My workshops enable businesses and individuals to manage the impact of perimenopause and menopause. Guidance is available for diverse groups including:

  • Leaders and managers

    — Senior leaders, enabling them to understand the business impact

    — Managers who need to have conversations perceived as “difficult” or “sensitive”.

  • Female employees

    — Female employees, providing evidence-based information and support around all aspects of perimenopause and menopause.

  • Male employees, LGBTQ+

    — Male employees wishing to support their partners and colleagues.

    — The impact on LGBTQ+ individuals

I’m a member of:

I’m here to help educate & engage —

I have seen how much misinformation there is on menopause, it is often overlooked by employers despite a greater focus on employee health & wellbeing.